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Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie, MAB-Atelier SAS
7 Rue Emile Schwoerer
68000 Colmar (FR)
Tel.: +33 (0)3 89 21 85 10
Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie, MAB-ATELIER - SAS
TCR Colmar - Siret: 803 762 160 00015 - APE: 1072Z
Intracomm VAT No. FR61 803 762 160
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Jean-Marc Muller
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37 Boulevard Alfred Wallach 68100 Mulhouse - France
Telephone: +33 (0)3 89 64 05 12
Fax: +33 (0)9 55 95 01 56
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The customer is not granted any guarantees and is obliged to clearly formulate their requirements and to respect their duty to inform themselves. Should any information provided by Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie, MAB-ATELIER - SAS appear to be inaccurate, it is the customer's liability to carry out any verifications of the consistency or credibility of the results obtained themselves. Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie, MAB-ATELIER - SAS shall in no case be held liable towards third parties for the use made by its customers of the information, or lack thereof, contained within its products, include any one of its websites.
Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie, MAB-ATELIER - SAS remains at your disposal for any feedback or suggestions you may have. You can get in touch via our form: